malattie infettive

Vaccini, la Regione ci ripensa e affida il controllo ai Comuni
Il professor Raise va in pensione In prima fila per fermare l’Aids
Torna la scabbia al centro anziani
Febbre del Nilo, tre casi in città. Salgono a 19 le persone colpite
This close-up view of a Culex tarsalis mosquito resting on human skin, shows the dark-scaled proboscis which has a broad median white band. ....Other identifying characteristics include white scales around the joints of its tarsi, a line of white scales along the tibia and femur, and two silver dots on its scutum. The epidemiologic importance of C. tarsalis lies in its ability to spread Western Equine Encephalitis (WEE), St. Louis Encephalitis (SLE), and California Encephalitis, and is currently the main vector of West Nile virus in the Western United States... ..Date: 2005..Content credits: / xxxxx..Photo credit: James Gathany..Image storage: xxxxxxxxxxxxx..Support File: CD_120_DH/ 005....URL: Title: CDC – Division of Vector-Borne Infectious Diseases – West Nile Virus.. - LA ZANZARA CULEX A sinistra, l'insetto identificato come principale vettore del virus A destra, una cellula infettata
Allarme morbillo a Veneziadieci ricoveri in pochi giorni
Clown in pediatria all’ospedale civile